Urban Planning Essential

Riziq Syihab
4 min readApr 16, 2018


Well, Hello People

So, as one of my step to (again) breaking my limit. I’m trying to make an english article in social platform. If you see some mistake in this article, feel free to remind me.

What does success mean in urban planning? Big City Forest in the middle of city? Megaprofit taken by government? Greater happiness of its people? Safety from any natural disaster or all we need is more and higher skyscrapers as the symbol of greatness?

I have a story in my journey as urban planning college in one of university in Indonesia. 2 year ago at 2016, i started my first “Studio” assignment at Kecamatan Gresik, it become one of memorable moment for me since my first time study in this major. Is it because of its first time for me to riding for hundred kilometres just to finish my assingment with hoping an “A” for my course? Hell no!

Actually, It was my first time when i decide to be more serious in this major. But the most important thing is it was my first experienced to communicate and dive into society’s environment at my study area. Come with it, they ask us (college student) to help and solve everysingle problem that they had. Yes, if you thought if it because of our intelectual level that designed to solve so many thing but for me, probably it because they just dont know where to talk, who want to listen, who have the main responsibility for their condition. And my journey to found the main purpose of our planning effort started.

It would be an interesting topic to discuss. In urban planning we always learn how to think, how to plan, how to analyze, how to intepretate something as our input and in the end we try to make “right” plan that easy to read for everyone in every level of education. But still, where exactly our planning system try to bring us ? What would we do afterwards? And in to very basic quest, why i’m asking this ? Maybe, i misunderstood about my surrounding but in my opinion urban planning already lose its meaning, we start to intepretate urban planning as a skill of using GIS as good as possible, we thought if we learn how to make a bunch of book that will no one ever try to read it again, we assume if urban planning just to make a plan that is not contrary to other rules and then we will try to make the best proportion of housing,industry,trade and office area according to the city population (and of course we will use more variable within it) with 30% of it will be used as a green open spaces.

But we forgot to make its people happiness, how to make they have a good bonding with the city, how to make them have a big pride of their city. Maybe we already know what is the best proportion of green open spaces for a city, but again we lose it’s meaning. We forgot its impact to our social community. Is it important to understand? Today, we can easily found so many green space area’s in every city that is not actually green, so close to be a trash area and sometime it could become a new squatters area. If you need more example, you can search about Bandung city’s government that got blamed by some stakeholder because of their regional growth and development just seems beautiful at it surface but leaving so many problem behind, that is mainly because of the multiperspective of planning itself.

This is a reminder for me, or anyone who needs. Planning is not always meaning of using GIS or making a large books (or we can call it guideline). We need to explore every possibilities of our plan it self, we need to understand its purpose, impact to the other and also it causes. We need to learn how to listen people in so many level of education and well-being, we need to explore new knowledge as our basic understanding. We need to keep learn as hard as we could until your body gets tired and crystallize every experience we have got. And when the uninvited badluck, welcome it with a sincere hug and never let it slips away with no lessons learned.

Refference :


Picture : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pr67Dfi-N0

